Do you believe "Love at the first sight"?
Be honest, I really don't know.
But I believe to love someone is to have the certain understanding on her,
especially in individuality. Not just a feeling in the beginning.
First time when I touched dance then I love it till now
And I do believe, it is my favorite thing in my life.
Remembered in the beginning, I didn't know how to dance, it's a mess.
Every class was a nightmare to me.
For some reasons, I didn't give up and chose to stay.
Maybe it's because of the magic of the music and the dancing steps?
Or maybe I understand that once I quit, I will never get it.
Maybe it's written that I will love dance, but anyhow I really enjoy it!
老實講, 我真的不知道.
特別是個性上, 而不只是在於一開始的感覺.
當我第一次接觸到舞蹈時我就愛上它, 一直到現在.
而且我相信, 它是我這輩子最喜歡的活動.
記得剛上課的時候, 我什麼都不會, 我手忙腳亂, 每一次的上課都是一個惡夢.
可是不知道為什麼, 我沒有放棄, 我選擇留下來.
也或是因為我明白, 當我一但中途踏出教室, 我再也沒有學會的可能.
或許是命中注定我會愛上舞蹈, 但是無論如何我真的樂在其中!